New Directors Appointed to the Beveridge Williams Board

TashNews, People

Beveridge Williams is proud to announce the appointment of two new Executive Directors, Mark Fleming and Andrew Busse, to our Board. Andrew is the Manager of Survey Melbourne and Mark is the Manager of Engineering. These additional directors bring a wealth of experience and expertise and we look forward to them helping grow and develop the company.

Andrew Busse grew up in Cape Town, South Africa. He graduated from at the University of Cape Town in 1988 with a surveying degree. In 1997, on his arrival in Melbourne, he joined Beveridge Williams. He currently manages a surveying team of 43 in Melbourne. Mark grew up in Melbourne and studied civil engineering at RMIT. After positions in private companies and local governamnet , Mark joined Beveridge Williams  in 2011 and became manager a year later. He has been an integral part of the incredible growth of the engineering team and now has the responsibility for over 70 professional staff. The Board of Beveridge Williams is looking forward to the next chapter in the growth and development of the company with these two well renowned professionals playing an integral role in shaping our future.